Modern materials and beautiful aerial photos of Icelandic landscape in one
The Föðurland Collection
Indoors // Outdoors
You can wear Föðurland as a first-skin undergarment when wearing layers or just by it self. The garment is made of strong, breathable, soft and stretchable material. Available in four varieties: Mint, Sand, Blue and Grey.

Activity Wear
Great for hiking, skiing, snowboarding, yoga or other sports.
Everyday Wear
You can wear your Föðurland all-day everyday.
CoatBag Conversion
The idea is not to constantly be converting your coat into a bag, but it can come in handy. For example when travelling and it is warm in the daytime and cold in the evening. Or when you are at a concert and tired of holding your coat in your arms.
The CoatBag // TravelCoat
How to convert coat into bag:
First step: Gather front laces in a bow. Second step: Guide scarf through circles made in first step. Third step: Take off jacket and pull bottom strap straight through the sleeves and tie a knot.

Uncertain Weather
The TravelCoat is good to use when the weather report is ambivalent. Just convert your coat into a TravelBag if the sun is shining or from a bag to a coat if it gets chilli.
Also when shopping clothes, strolling around galleries or when in bars and nightclubs. This way you have your hands free to shop or drink a beverage, while theTravelBag hangs on your shoulder.
In the summertime you can take your bag to the beach or for a picnic. Then when it gets colder in the evening, you can take on the coat and even a scarf or warm sweater you may have kept in your TravelBag.
The TravelCoat is great for the changing seasons, when you don't know if it's going to be cool, warm, windy or wet and just want to be on the safe side.

Large Pockets & Travel Hack
There is a zipper opening inside the bottom of the pockets. There you can pack soft items inside the lining and this way travel with your belongings inside your coat.
A great way to skip luggage fees with airlines and functions also fine as a cushion for your back while flying.
You can fit up to 10kg of clothing inside the coat. Some have travelled with 20kg (not advised). So this way, you can save money each time you travel. Or use it to stay calm if you have been shopping on your vacation. No need to worry about going over the limit on your baggage allowance.

Contact Information
Studio Ágústa Hera
Ahornsgade 8A, kl.
2200 KBH, N
(+45) 27851488